
Sunday 15 May 2011

How do we move on?

With the 'watershed' elections over in Singapore, how will the citizens move on?  Because the palette of citizens are diverse, it could be suggested that this movement will be as colourful, if I may say so.

For the disgruntled, this is what I have to say: When you have reached rock bottom, the only other way is UP.  There will be moments, when despair sets in - living from hand to mouth, trying to get half-a-step ahead are mental setbacks. There is no big picture enticing enough to provide that new burst of interest.

An old lady mentioned this during a tea break.
That when backed in a corner, at least we still have a corner to be backed into.
This is the voice of contentment - but perhaps contentment has evaded most of us.
We allowed ourselves to be victims of this rat-race.

I do not subscribe to the school of contentment, simply because that means not having hope. On a personal level, I need hope to get my job done albeit structured hope.

As people who feel, who have aspirations, it's natural to be disgruntled at times.
BUT when the sun comes up the next day, we need to take control of our lives, because no one else can.

Moving on, easier said than done but until you take that small step to move away from where you are stuck, you have 'moved'.  It may not be a huge leap forward, but it's a start.
AND perhaps, this tiny step forward will take you into a new circle of people who will be able to lend you a hand, a listening ear, an idea, something that you may need, just so you do not give up.

You will be faced with dire situations, you will meet with unreasonable, selfish people, you will be cheated of sincerity.
Yet, if you give up, you are saying, that sincerity, being reasonable and being kind is worth nothing.
Everything is worth something whether or not we subscribe to it personally.

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